Drivers Smart Gmbh Stuttgart



There is a new generation of farmers. And you can be one of them. Let’s put this straight: anybody can be a farmer today. You might be living in the city and you probably did not grow up on a farm. But you want to have a closer connection to your food. That means transparency about where your food comes from, how long it has travelled and what’s in it. You can’t get closer than growing yourself!

  • Mobile Broadband. Driver G-Sensor. Making innovative technology accessible for all to.
  • Bosch Sensortec develops and markets a wide portfolio of MEMS sensors and solutions for applications in smartphones, tablets, wearables, AR/VR devices, drones, robots, smart home and the Internet of Things.
  • World’s first Level 4 park function in a production vehicle. In July 2019, Bosch and Mercedes-Benz received the world’s first special permit to operate AVP for selected E-Class vehicles without a safety driver in real-life, mixed parking garage traffic at the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart.
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Lufft - Manufacturer of meteorological & environmental measurement equipment: automatic weather stations, weather sensors, road sensors, ceilometers, snow depth sensors, visibility, precipitation detection and more!

Here is the idea: producing fresh food right where it is consumed: in the beating heart of the city. There is no such thing as a green thumb, it’s all about doing it. We are developing digital products and services that enable you to become a successful producer of your own fresh and healthy vegetables. farmee is your digital companion guiding you along the way to a rich harvest.


Growing your own food changes everything about the way you consume food to less transportation, reduced carbon footprints, more home-cooked meals and less food waste. With becoming a gardener, you not only get fresh and organic food, you will change your mindset. Drivers sigma micro input devices. You will change your perspective on the industrial food chain and supermarkets. You will know what crops have season and which are imported from a thousand miles away. Your awareness will change your behaviour. And you can become a role-model for the people around you. Let’s start a movement, together!

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farmee was instigated by a group of friends and entrepreneurs, all having founded other successful companies before. We’re in love with good food and tech. farmee started out with building an open-source operating system for vertical farms. While that is still a decent idea, we realized: To tackle the problems of urban food production, we should not start by building vertical farms. We need to grow farmers first. We’re gathering knowledge and hunting for innovation to help you grow and connect with other gardeners. So please: Get in touch, we’d love to talk to you!

And please: Get in touch, we’d love to talk to you!

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Drivers Smart Gmbh Stuttgart 2019